01Prepare your stay !

Secure payment
Cartes bancaires

Equipment pick-up :

Equipment can be picked up the day before, from 4PM and before 6:15PM. Option available in the validation section (before payment).

A question ?

To contact us :

Tel : + 33 (0) 4 76 79 24 08

Email : click here


For more informations concerning the lockers, click here.

Bookings are closed 3 days before your first skiing day. For any reservation during these 3 days, come directly to the shop on your fist skiing day. One day bookings can only be made in shop, not on our website.


Our working schedule : from 8h30 AM to 7h00 PM non-stop.

*free lockers for the rented equipment if booked ONLY on this website or directly in the shop. Lockers include skis, shoes (dried every night). No helmet.